Diving Bali
Padangbai & Candidasa
Boat Dive, Reef, wall and drift diving
Padangbai Dive Sites: From the Bay to the Rocky Outcrops. The sites in this area provide some of the most interesting and diverse sites in Bali.
Blue Lagoon – Rich in Unusual Marinelife. Blue Lagoon, while bare of reefs, is still rich in a variety of marinelife, some not found in other areas of Bali.
Breathtaking Diving and Sharks. The other four sites included here are small islands off the coast of Bali that offer some of the most breath-taking diving in Bali. Cooler temperatures and currents are what make the sites here special and yet so unique. All are surrounded by healthy and abundant reefs that attract a myriad of marine species from schools f sweetlips ad bannerfish to sharks and other pelagics.
Populer dive sites: Biaha, Tepekong, Mimpang, Blue Lagoon.
Location: 5 sites located off Bali’s east coast
Depth: 10 – 40 metres
Visibility: 15 – 30 metres
Current: None (Blue Lagoon) to strong and upredictable.
Min. Level : Introductory (Blue Lagoon) – Intermediate (elsewhere)
Dive Types: Boat Dive, Reef, wall and drift diving
Conditions: Blue Lagoon : An easy dive site, gentle white sand slope, excellent marine life.
Highlights: Sharks are often sighted around Mimpang, tepekong, and Biaha. Tepekong’s Canyon and Wall usually offer many big pelagics. Blue Lagoon offers smaller marinelife like cuttlefish, leaf scorpionfish, crocodilefish and makes a wonderful night dive.

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